Sunday, May 13, 2012


Sweater, n.:  garment worn by child when its mother is feeling chilly.  ~Ambrose Bierce

Happy Mom's day! Especially to my wonderful mother - I wouldn't be who I am today with your guidance. And your sense of humor!! Much love - xoxo

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

iHeart B/W

Using my iPhone 4 w/ app TtV b/w photos. Fueling my obsession for the b/w.... 

Who doesn't love b/w Ray Bans?

For the love of Steve Madden

Burberry day

Sunday, January 8, 2012


Memories resurface like bubbles from a pond. At odd moments they return and you are forced to recall feelings of another time.....

The rain is light, misting actually. It's barely noticeable as I walk down the gravelled road. For some reason, on this particularly grey Saturday, I decide to hike up a path in the woods beside me. As I'm moving upwards, a dog has appeared at my side. He's nondescript in his appearance, even now I can't remember him. I only know that he was there with me as I crested the hill at long last. Before me was a large plot of land, flat and covered in growth that could soon be hay. A huge hulking skeleton of a barn was to my right. The sky was the color of lead. I moved forward, taking in the details of this place. The dog was close to me, and suddenly the hair on the back of my neck tingled. I felt as though someone were watching me. Turning around, I saw nothing. The dog had remained at my side, solidly, his hackles raising. I couldn't move, for fear or for safety. I just kept looking around, the sky becoming darker, the structure beside me suddenly more menacing. Had something heinous taken place here? Why this overwhelming feeling of dread and foreboding? The dog had decided to trust its instincts and fled back down the hillside. I stuck it out a bit longer, just rooted in the place I stood. I took in these feelings as the clouds were roiling in their displeasure. Lightening ripped through the sky and I finally found myself moving back down the hill. I never saw that dog again, and I never ventured up that path the rest of the time I lived out there. Part of me wonders if my overactive, overstimulated imagination conjured up the heebie jeebies that day, or if I was possibly picking up some feelings trapped there from long ago. And why now, after all these years, did this memory choose to haunt me? Perhaps it's time to head back out there again, to see what lies on the top of that hill....

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Black and White

I like my life in black and white. Color is a distraction from the basic and simple executions of life's daily functions. Stark and eloquent in its simplicity, a no fuss approach. Color is filled with emotions and false hopes to lead the masses astray. Contrast is beauty in its raw form, flaws can be hidden in the shadowing. I wish the world was in black and white, I wish that love was the grey....

Friday, January 6, 2012

Bring Back the Golden Sunshine

I don't know why I am filled with hope again. Oh, yes I do. It's that big orange ball of soda pop in the sky infusing me with feelings of sandy beaches and Ray Bans. My cynical self can't help but bask in the delicious rays of liquid joy pouring out of the sky. Today, I am happy! Filled with such peace and contentment and the thrill of tomorrow. Strange feelings that don't usually find their way to me...but for today, I'm living for the golden.

Thursday, January 5, 2012


Time: linear? Circular? Relative? I'm trying to decipher all these interpretations of something we have no control over - and from some of my reading I am inclined to take into consideration that each moment we hold dear could still be happening, in another plane or dimension. The thought of time travel has always been fascinating, as well as wormholes and the consequences of screwing with time. Though according to theories, it doesn't seem as far fetched as you might think. Then again, I may have had too many years contemplating such notions - and reading such scientific theories just seems natural. Perhaps I'll expand more on this concept in another post, for the moment I only wanted to share a song that, no matter what moment of time I may be in - and someone else who I miss so dearly is in - at the moment this song is played, we are in a moment of our own. Because time is not linear, and things do not go from beginning to end, point A to point B - there is something greater than that. It is a beautiful and more passionate view of how our lives coordinated - take that as you wish. For now, I'm going to do my own time travels and find myself in a place that is not now, is not then - but somewhere in between......and I know who I will find there.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

GoodBye '11

It's come and gone, 2011. The time for talk is over, it's all action now. Here are some photos from the end of an era....